De Badt
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Dates: 24 th , 25 th and 27th April 2019 | 08:00 PM
Venue: The Galloway Theatre
Ticket Price: R80
Contact: [email protected]
Luke: 060 533 0534
De Badt is a dramady exploring the darkness and light of a personal history. We follow the
stories of three women that have nothing in common but blood… and a koeksister recipe.
Against the backdrop of the Anglo Boer War, Sharpeville Massacre and Fees Must Fall, we
see the naked truth of oppressed women. With original lyrics to your favourite “VAK” and
“sokkie-treffers” prepare to giggle and cry at stereotypes. De Badt recently enjoyed a very successful
premiere at the recent Woordfees Fringe. Catch us at the Galloway Theatre 24-27 April,
excluding Friday 26 April. Tickets are R80.
Vertonings: 24 th , 25 th , and 27th April 2019 | 08:00 PM
Lokaal: The Galloway Theatre
Kaartjies: R80
De Badt is ‘n donker komedie wat die lig en donker van ‘n persoonlike geskiedenis omlyn.
Dit volg drie vrouens se stories – een leef in 1900, tydens die Anglo Boere Oorlog, die ander
in 1960, tydens apartheid en die derde bevind haar in 2020.
Met ‘n goeie skeutjie kabaret
skeer die produksie gek met ou VAK en nuwe sokkie-treffers. Raak verlore tussen belle
bewondering, bevryde, beperkte, bevolkte, bevoordeelde mense en bloed. Na ‘n suksesvolle
premiere by Woordfees Fringe is De Badt terug by die Galloway Teater 24-27 April.
Kaartjies is R80.
- Twitter: @TheatreGalloway
- Instagram: @thegallowaytheatre
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