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Ontmoet Roné. ‘n Enkel moeder, wat baie hard probeer om okay te wees. Met die verlies van haar man nog rou in haar gedagte, gebruik Roné haar Antropologiese sintuie om 'n wêreld sonder haar man beter te verteer. Haar reis is ‘n gemors van intellek, tradisie, die moderne en geloof. Die toneelstuk vra of daar lewe is na die dood.
Meet Roné. A single mother doing what she knows best: Pretending everything is okay. With the loss of her husband still an open wound, Roné, the anthropologist, tries to navigate life without him. Her journey is a mix of intellect, the mundane, the modern and the mystic. This play confronts the question if whether there really is life after death.
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