Improguise presents Less Miserable
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On Friday 18 and Sat the 19th of August ImproGuise performs Tribute, an insanely creative improv show all about a made up band – the audience provides the never heard of before name of the band – and the improvisers perform a mockumentary style exposition of the band, with scenes reflecting the lives and journeys of the band members. Then, in the second half, a ‘tribute’ to the band is performed, with made up songs based on titles from the audience.
Tribute is an audience favourite because of its high energy, musical improv and hilarious characters and songs. Audience members can hardly believe it is made up on the spot, even though it is their song titles that are used.
For these two completely different and hilarious musical shows ImproGuise oldies will be joined on stage by some of the Waterfront Theatre School's most talented 4th year Drama students.
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