KNIT-IN CINEMA Presents: A Knights Tale (2001)
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The Bioscope is proud to present KNIT-IN CINEMA, our latest signature event! Movies with the lights on, so you can knit, sew crochet and craft while the film is on!
Please bring your own sewing materials with you. We will however have some extra wools and needles available at the venue if you need.
Work on your own projects, or take part in a blanket drive by knitting squares that will be assembled into blankets for mothers in underprivileged parts of Johannesburg! This is all in support of The Baby Box Project. Instructions for these will be given before the film.
JULY MOVIE PICK: A Knight's Tale (2001)
Director: Brian Helgeland, Romance / Adventure / Comedy. 2hr 12min
After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight.
- Twitter: @bioscopetonight
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