Ruhan Du Toit by Die Monte Dome
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Ruhan Du Toit sien uit daarna om saam met julle te kuier Sondag 28 Maart by Die Monte Dome.
Ruhan deel die verhoog met die pragtige en talentvolle Devereaux van der Hoven-Oosthuizen en die alom-bekende en gewilde Juan (Floors) Oosthuizen.
Jemma, die talentvolle opkomende, alternatiewe en oorspronklike kunstenaar tree as gaskunstenaar op.
Kos stalletjes, Gin bar, craft beer en drafts beskikbaar. Geen eie drank of kos word toegelaat nie.
Piekniekmandjies beskikbaar aanlyn teen R450.00 ( genoeg vir 2 mense)
Vir enige kaartjienavrae, kontak ons kaartjievenoot, TIXSA by:
012 880 26 35 / [email protected]
Maandag tot Vrydag: 9vm-5nm
Satderdae: 10vm-4nm
Sondae: 10vm-1nm
Ruhan Du Toit
Ruhan du Toit, best known for his jaw dropping rendition of the popular Simon & Garfunkel hit, The Sound of Silence, definitely needs no introduction in music circles. His unique four octave vocal range and natural talent behind the guitar and various other musical instruments, have not only opened doors for him in the past, but have also cemented his place in the hearts and ears of South African and International music lovers.
- Twitter: @MonteDeDiosPTA
- Instagram: @monte_de_dios
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