M36 Danel Muller Paper Foundation Piecing 101 (Compulsory Kit Included) (R140.00)

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M36 Paper Foundation Piecing 101 Sunday 7th July 17h00-18h00
Danél-Marie Muller
Duration of the class: One Hour
Skills level: Beginners

Whether you are 7 or 70, Danél-Marie Muller will be able to teach you the finer nuances of quilting. Incorporating her background in IT, art and music, she brings fresh ideas to the table, teaching the use of simple tools to create extraordinary results. Danél-Marie started quilting in 2006 and the 2007 SAQG Alberton Quilt Festival convinced her that she had found her art medium in textiles! Her quilts have been exhibited at the Pretoria Art Museum, Centurion Art Gallery, Tinan Skukan Art Gallery and Pink House, and have travelled with the SAQG Travelling Exhibition and IQCSA. Danél-Marie is a SAQG-accredited teacher, with teaching experience at the SAQG National Festival, other retreats and guild classes.

In this class you will learn the full process of how to sew a pattern using paper foundation piecing. Students will learn how the numbering system works, where to sew and what the repetitive steps are in the process. Students will finish a subset of blocks and learn how to join the blocks to ensure that the intersections align. The class will conclude with show and tell.
Cost of kit: R40
Detailed Contents of Kit: An 8”x8” pattern printed on paper with kit including precut fabrics.