M41 Debbie Becker Create a Coin Purse (Compulsory Kit Included) (R125.00)

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M41 Create a Coin Purse Monday 8th
July 8h00-9h00
Debbie Becker 
Duration of the class: One Hour
Skills level: All 

Debbie Becker has 40 years of sewing and quilting experience. Her passion to use her sewing 
machine more creatively is very evident in the classroom environment, where she loves to pass on 
her love of textiles.

Learn to piece a quarter square triangle using patchwork methodology. Then quilt the small block. 
Add a zip and complete this little purse. The kit will include all the necessary items to complete the 
Cost of kit: R25
Kit Contents:
Small zip, inside lining, fabric to make outer shell.