103S Carolyn Trezona Basic Free Motion Quilting (R500.00)

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103S Basic Free Motion Quilting Friday 5th July
Carolyn Trezona
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: Confident Beginner

Carolyn’s journey with sewing began at the age of ten, making dolls’ clothes and eventually her own 
clothes… how boring! But then the fun began….
Carolyn discovered quilting which she has enjoyed for about 35 years; her passion being free motion 
quilting. In 2017 she completed the Teachers’ Accreditation course with the South African Quilters’ 
Guild, enabling her to share her passion. Carolyn loves sharing with others while giving 
encouragement to students, enabling them to realise that with a little practice, they can achieve 
beautiful quilting stitches. Carolyn’s aim is to teach students to relax and most of all to have fun.

Come and learn the basics of free motion quilting. You will learn how to set up your sewing machine 
and sewing workspace, making it easier to create beautiful stitches. Carolyn will show you how to 
stitch many different quilting designs and will give you plenty of ideas to use when a pattern tells 
you to “quilt as desired”! Everyone likes to quilt feathers - you will learn different ways to form 
beautiful feathers. With a little practice you will soon have the confidence to finish your own quilts.
Student Requirements:
Open-toe free motion spring foot (the spring action keeps the fabric from lifting with the needle as 
the stitch is being formed)
Sewing machine in good working order. You must be able to lower the feed-dogs or cover them
Sewing machine manual
Extension and adaptor
Lots of scrap paper (printer paper is good) and a sharp pencil
4-5 quilt sandwiches in a PLAIN fabric please ie top, batting and backing about 40-45cm
square Please do not pin your layers together, rather zigzag around the edges
A contrasting colour thread with same thread in bobbin, plus an extra 3 bobbins already wound
One other contrasting thread colour
A spiral bound notebook
Small scissors for cutting thread
Please bring a cushion on which to sit. You’ll be doing a lot of sitting on a hard chair!
An extension surface of at least 25-30cm for your machine is essential. You cannot quilt just on the 
small arm of your machine
Extension cord with 15-amp plug
Don’t forget your foot pedal!