105S Elaine Barnard Let's Give Faces to our Voices (Compulsory Kit Included) (R750.00)

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105S Let’s Give Faces To Our Voices! Friday 5th July
Elaine Barnard
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: Intermediate


Elaine has been teaching creative textile classes since 1999 in South Africa and internationally. A true 
artist, she is always stretching her creative abilities and challenging herself to create unique classes. 
Her quilts have been featured in publications internationally and awarded multiple prizes locally and 
internationally. In 2022 Elaine was inducted into the South African Quilters’ Hall of Fame.

Come to this class with a willingness to try new and exciting methods of creating a face with a
voice! You will be taught a simple formula to get the correct proportions to make a face. We will 
then collage a face with different textures and use free motion machine embroidery to bring the 
face to life. This face can be added to a cushion, a quilt or even a piece of clothing. Reclaimed,
recycled fabric will be used in class.

Cost of Kit: R250
Detailed Contents of Kit:
50cmx50cm black tulle
50cmx50cm fabric for the face and neck
Fabric for the hair
Red and pink fabric for lips and cheeks
Fabrics for the face features
Fabric for the clothing
Pattern book and information.
There will be a large supply of extra fabric available in class for the students to use.
We will use reclaimed recycled discontinued fabric sample books.
Student Requirements:
Basic sewing supplies
Sewing machine in good working order; must be able to lower the feed dogs
Extension cord and plug
Universal machine sewing needles 90 and 100 (remember we sew through several layers of fabric)
Pritt, fabric glue or any temporary adhesive spray for fabrics
Black sewing thread and filled bobbins