106S Janet Waring Hidden Wells (R500.00)

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106S Hidden Wells Class Friday 5th July
Janet Waring
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: All Levels
Janet is a retired Home Economics teacher. She is committed to teaching sewing and quilting.
She runs short workshops and courses in Howick which has resulted in many newly retired people 
taking up quilting as a retirement hobby.
This is an exciting way of using strip piecing to create the Hidden Wells block. The design looks like a 
clever log cabin. However, it’s the cutting and reassembling of the strip pieces that create the 
illusion. Students will be astounded by the effects that can be created using this method.
Student Requirements:
Nine different colour co-ordinated fabrics. One of the fabrics needs to contrast with the others 
either in colour or value. This will create the focus.
Half a meter of each fabric will make a generous single bed quilt or a double bed quilt.
Alternately you can use five or seven different colour co-ordinated fabrics which will make smaller 
squares and therefore a smaller quilt.
A sewing machine in good working order cleaned and oiled with a new machine needle.
Extension cord and adaptor.
Quarter inch foot.
Neutral thread for piecing and bobbins wound with the same thread.
Cutting mat.
Rotary cutter and spare blade.
Quilting ruler (24inch).
Basic sewing supplies.