108S Macky Cilliers Fabric Bowls (R500.00)

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108S FABRIC BOWLS Friday 5th July
 Session: 2 x 3hr
 Level: All Levels

Macky is an accredited SAQG teacher who has taught within her own guild (DIAS in Port Elizabeth) 
and at many of the South African National Festivals. She has also taught at shops and guilds 
throughout South Africa. Quilting is her passion, and she loves to teach and to equip her students 
with as much knowledge as she can and plant seeds that will inspire them to create from within 

Macky will guide you through the process of creating a really eye-catching and individual bowl. A fun 
and stress-free class, and the bonus is, you get to use some of your beautiful leftover scraps!
Student Requirements:
Sewing machine in good working order

Extension cord and adaptor
12” square of Calico backed vilene
12” square placemat batting
12” square fabric
12” square tulle to match your colour choice
Small bag of fabric scraps
Sari waste, cord or narrow braid to cover the joins (optional)
4 -5 machine threads for the multi-stitching
Denim machine needles
Basic sewing supplies
Cutting mat
Rotary cutter
Quilter’s ruler