210H Mari Strydom Fabric Beads (R250.00)

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210H Fabric Beads Saturday 6th July 9h00 – 12h00
Session: 1 x 3hr
Level: All Levels

Mari is an international award winning quilt artist and experienced accredited quilt teacher and 
judge. She knows no boundaries and has a talent for teaching. She believes that every quilter has 
the power and potential to create something beautiful. She tries to equip her students with as much 
knowledge as possible in a stress-free environment. She wants them to have fun, expand their skills 
and enjoy the creative process. The smile on a student’s face when she has mastered something is 
her reward.

Your art and innovative quilts are begging you for an attractive edge decoration! Let’s play and 
create beautiful fabric beads to be used on them. Different fabric beads will be made: we will be 
burning them, putting holes in them, and decorating them with thread. This is a fun class with no 
rules! You will not want to leave this class as it is highly addictive. Let your creativity loose!
Student Requirements:
Different quilt fabrics scraps with interesting motives or textures
Scraps of shiny fabric (satin, lamé, etc.)
Cords and interesting wool/threads
Plastic drinking straws
0.25m felt across the width
Roll of double-sided tape 6mm
A4 cardboard sheet
A few polystyrene balls not bigger than 20mm in diameter
Interesting beads to put in between your fabric beads
A tapestry/wool needle
Basic sewing supplies