214S Tilly de Harde Painted and Embroidered Reptile Eye (Compulsory Kit Included) (R660.00)

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214S Painted and Embroidered Reptile Eye Saturday 6th July
Tilly de Harde
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: Intermediate
Workshop Type: Sewing Machine

Tilly is a fibre artist and teacher who enjoys discovering new and innovative techniques to create her 
art. She refines her experiments so that they become easy to share with her students. As a multiaward-winning Master Quilter, Tilly aims to help quilters and artists alike to expand their knowledge 
and have the confidence to create without the fear that sometimes goes hand-in-hand with trying 
out new things. Let Tilly show you the easy way to create your own art!

Come and get carried away in this fun class which involves a little bit of machine embroidery and a 
lot of colouring-in to create a realistic-looking reptile eye, using Inktense Paint Blocks or Pencils. Tilly 
will show you how to do the embroidery and teach you all her tips and tricks for using
Inktense! Included in the class is a pattern and extensive class notes.
Cost of Kit: R160
Detailed Contents of Kit:
Student Requirements:
Have a look on Pinterest for photos of lizard eyes. You can even print one or two just to give you an 
idea of colour. Mine has lots of red and brown in it, so my List of Requirements is worked out 
according to that. If you want yours to have a different colour eye, adjust the colours of the 
embroidery threads accordingly.
Permanent fine liner pen in any colour
Black permanent marker and permanent red marker (medium to larger size points, NOT fine points)
Masking tape
Light box if you have one
Sewing machine in good working order and an extension table for your machine
Feed dogs of machine must be able to go down or be covered with the little plate
Extension cord and adaptor
A couple of quilting safety pins or spray glue
Backing 15” X 12”
Batting 15” X 12” (Tilly uses the very common, thin synthetic batting called Loomtex)
Black all-purpose or cotton thread
Pale olive green, bright red, dark red, brown, grey and white machine embroidery threads
A bobbin filled with black thread and one filled with a neutral colour thread
Quilting gloves
Embroidery hoop not bigger that 25cm diameter (optional)
Free motion open-toe embroidery foot/ darning foot
Jeans needle in a size 90. These are sharp and very strong needles. If you don’t have Jeans needles,
don’t go and buy specially, you can also use a 90 Universal needle. A Cordonette needle or a 
topstitching needle size 90 also works very nicely.
Your own Derwent Inktense paint blocks or pencils. If you have a different colour-medium, you are 
welcome to use that as long as you know how to apply it. I will be talking about Inktense.
Some paper towels or serviettes/tissues
A piece of pale coloured cotton fabric (to test colours on)
A firm but small size paint brush (bristle size about 5mm wide)
A firm but medium size paint brush (bristle size about 10mm wide)
A small container to rinse paintbrush
Basic sewing supplies