305S Claire Wallace Claires Curves (Compulsory Kit Included) (R750.00)

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305S Claire’s Curves Sunday 7July
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: Beginner Intermediate

Claire grew up in England surrounded by family that enjoyed all kinds of crafts. Quilting was not 
something she had tried, although her Mum always had a Welsh Quilt on the bed made by her 
grandmother. Claire’s husband’s grandmother and aunt introduced her to quilting in about 2005.
It didn’t take Claire long to realise that she loved piecing quilts, but her real interest lay in quilting 
and how simple quilt tops were utterly transformed by the quilting stitches.
She bought her first longarm quilting machine in October 2009 and has quilted for customers ever 
since. She has been fortunate to be able to travel to America on several occasions to learn from 
expert longarm quilters, and now she runs classes to help beginner and more advanced quilters 
expand their repertoire of skills, build confidence and get more quilts finished.
Claire is an accomplished Master Quilter and has won numerous prizes in quilt competitions both in 
South Africa, the UK and America – including Best Machine Quilting at three consecutive South 
African National Quilt Festivals, Best Longarm Quilting in the World Quilt competition on two 
occasions and a third place at Festival of Quilts in the UK.
Claire has been the sole distributor for Handi Quilter longarm machines in South Africa since 2013 
and spends considerable time developing machine quilting in South Africa as well as supporting her 
growing ‘family’ of Handi Quilter owners.

Continuous line designs can be any design that is stitched in one continuous line and is an essential 
tool in any free motion quilter’s toolbox.
In this class you will be introduced to the basic quilting pathway used in grid-type continuous curve 
patterns, as well as a variety of simple shapes that can be used to build beautiful patterns. You’ll
soon be able to put together eye-catching sashing and background patterns.
In the afternoon we will move on to more challenging pieced block designs and see how we can 
adapt the idea of continuous curve designs to allow us to quilt these blocks quickly in a multitude of 
ways, ending up with beautifully finished quilts.
We will be using a pre-printed panel with the perfect spaces for working on and you will be able to 
end off the day with a finished sample.
This class is designed for beginner quilters, but content will be expanded for more advanced quilters 
looking for a greater challenge.
Cost of Kit (Compulsory): R250
Detailed Contents of Kit:
Custom designed pre-printed panel
Backing fabric
1 x cone Glide thread
Student Requirements:
Your sewing machine in good working order, oiled, cleaned and ready to go
Sewing machine extension table
Your power cable and foot pedal
An extension cord and multi plug
Free motion quilting foot or darning foot
Know how to drop (or cover) your feed dogs on your machine (Claire doesn’t know how every model 
works). Please check your user manual if you are not sure
Bobbins x 3, empty – the correct bobbins for your specific machine
Machine needles – Topstitch or Universal or Quilting needles in a 90/14 size
Marking pens – blue water erasable fabric pen, white chalk pen, white pounce pad, and/or similar
A long ruler for marking fabric
Extra light/desk lamp
Cushion for your back
505 Temporary Adhesive Spray and/or basting pins
Quilting gloves – preferably with a full palm coating and not just the fingertips
Notebook with plenty of space to draw
A practice sandwich with any fabric and batting to test on – about fat-quarter sized
Basic sewing supplies
Handi Quilter machines will be ready and loaded with your kit fabric
Marking pens – blue water erasable fabric pen, white chalk pen, white pounce pad, and/or similar
A long ruler to mark with
Basic sewing supplies incl a notebook with plenty of space to draw