507S Macky Cilliers Corn Plaster Embroidery (R500.00)

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 Session: 2 x 3hr
 Level: All Levels

Macky is an accredited SAQG teacher who has taught within her own guild (DIAS in Port Elizabeth) 
and at many of the South African National Festivals. She has also taught at shops and guilds 
throughout South Africa. Quilting is her passion, and she loves to teach and to equip her students 
with as much knowledge as she can and plant seeds that will inspire them to create from within 

In this class Macky will share the techniques she uses when doing her corn plaster embroidery. 
These beautiful embroideries have many application possibilities. Not an embroiderer?... the stitches 
used are very simple and Macky will demonstrate how to do them.
Student Requirements:
Corn plasters (CLICKS packet of 4 callus cushions recommended)
Small embroidery hoop
A piece of fabric bigger than your hoop to embroider on
Tapestry wool (Macky will have some with her)
A varied selection of embroidery threads.
Metallic threads (Macky will have some with her)
Beads (mixed sizes)
Normal threads to match the beads
A Chenille needle and embroidery needles suitable for your threads
Needles to go through hole in the beads
If you have scraps of tulle or organza that match your colour choices, bring them along
Embroidery scissors and thimble
Basic sewing supplies