508S Mari Strydom Funky Cats with Attitude (R500.00)

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508S Funky Cats with Attitude Tuesday 9th July
Session: 2 x 3hr
Level: All Levels

Mari is an international award winning quilt artist and experienced accredited quilt teacher and 
judge. She knows no boundaries and has a talent for teaching. She believes that every quilter has 
the power and potential to create something beautiful. She tries to equip her students with as much 
knowledge as possible in a stress-free environment. She wants them to have fun, expand their skills 
and enjoy the creative process. The smile on a student’s face when she has mastered something is 
her reward.

The cats have come to visit. Make them wild and wacky and give them some attitude! They love to 
be the talk of the town! Freestyle reverse machine appliqué and machine decorative stitches will 
transform them into stylish cats. While playing and having fun you will learn how to use your 
machine to its best. Different machine techniques will be covered such as chenille work, tassels, 
attaching trims, buttons, doing raised embroidery, couching, candlewicking, 3D appliqué and much 
more. Choose different templates from the manual to create your own unique cats. No two cats will 
be the same. You won’t believe that quilting can be so much fun!
Cost of Kit: Included in class fee.
Detailed Contents of Kit: Manual with all the templates to create your own cats
Student Requirements:
9”x 12” beige squares for background
9”x 12” squares of calico 
Various 10” x 10” squares of brightly coloured fabric for cats
Various coloured machine or machine embroidery threads matching the fabrics
2 x balls of DMC or any other Perlé embroidery thread
Fabric pen / pencil
Sewing machine in good working order with straight stitch function and embroidery stitches
Extension cord and adaptor
Bring ALL your machine feet
Specialty bobbin case for bobbin work if you have one.
Buttons for the eyes (10 - 15mm)
Cords, yarn, trims, ribbons, etc. for decorations
505 spray glue
Small, sharp-pointed embroidery scissors
Extra bobbins
Basic sewing supplies